
Six Things That Should Be Banned From Bars Forever

Brian Moylan · 06/28/11 04:52PM

Bars exist for people to hang out with their friends, watch the game, unwind, and maybe play a game of pool or pick up a bit of strange for the evening. What bars are not for are all your silly games that are not only annoying, but dangerous. People are getting sued!

A Gay Marriage Etiquette Guide

Brian Moylan · 06/27/11 05:08PM

Gay New Yorkers can now get married. That's great news, of course, but let's not forget that there is no bigger logistical or etiquette nightmare on this planet than planning a wedding. Since the traditional roles for a male-female wedding go out the window for gay nuptials, here are some ground rules an suggestions to get you started.

How To Handle Rowdy Teens Without Shooting Them

Hamilton Nolan · 06/21/11 11:32AM

Thomas Dunikowski of Marine Park, Brooklyn, has become a folk hero of sorts among the "I really loved that movie Falling Down" demographic for leaning out of his window with a rifle and opening fire on a group of rowdy teenagers who were raising a ruckus outside his house. (See "purported" video of the shooting here.) Completely unnecessary! It is, in fact, possible to deal with the depths of teen awfulness without resorting to gunshots.

Tips for Your Post-Wall Street Life

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/11 01:29PM

Unemployment is falling in half the country, but not the most important half: Wall Street. There, the beleaguered derivative-shufflers are facing a third straight month of rising unemployment. Literally thousands of former bankers are now wandering our city's streets, driftless. How will they adjust to life in the post-banker world?

How to Beat the Heat

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 05:10PM

It was ninety-something degrees in NYC today. Anthony Weiner's penis has been dominating the news for 24 hours now. Hotness besieges us on all sides! Need to beat that heat? Let's beat it together—with this handy list!

Be a Hero: Go Into Local News

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/11 09:30AM

Ah, the luxuries of life in a world with more media outlets than ever. A world where any ambitious young aspiring journalist can... move to New York, and work for a blog. Hmm.

There's Still Time to Sell All Your Gold

Hamilton Nolan · 06/06/11 10:34AM

Perhaps you think of yourself as a "rational investor," and you're not normally "the type" to make major investment decisions based on the shrill urgings of a pop culture internet blog. Until now. Sell your gold! It's not too late!

Don't Have Loud Conversations About the Warrant for Your Arrest

Max Read · 05/31/11 09:21PM

If you're a fugitive, it's probably in your best interests to keep that a secret from people you encounter. Like Richard R. Vermalyea, 32, of Rehoboth, Delaware, who kept the two warrants out for his arrest a secret when he checked in to the Traveler's Motel in Delmar, Maryland. Unfortunately for Vermalyea, however, his secret did not last for very long. Because his neighbors "heard a man yelling during a phone conversation that there was a warrant for his arrest and called police."

How to Stay Fit at Work

Hamilton Nolan · 05/26/11 11:59AM

Another day, another alarming finding about America's complete lack of core strength. A new report points to a possible culprit for our nation's ongoing descent into blob-dom: our cushy, chair-bound jobs. Does this mean you're doomed?

Ed Schultz Shouldn't Use the Word 'Slut' to Describe Ladies

Jim Newell · 05/25/11 02:31PM

Ed Schultz, the fake, lefty Rush Limbaugh whom MSNBC trots out for an hour each night to botch debased versions of Democratic talking points, had some nasty words for right-wing babbler Laura Ingraham on his radio show yesterday. While Ingraham is certainly an unsavory character, did Schultz really need to resort to the descriptor "slut," twice, over some ephemeral Obama-drinks-beer-in-Ireland nontroversy?

The 'Writing About Yourself' Trap

Hamilton Nolan · 05/24/11 09:13AM

Remember Lena Chen? She was big on the internet a few years back for being a compulsively oversharing sex blogger while she attended Harvard. Anyhow, she graduated, and stopped sex blogging, and we forgot about her. Now she's back! And we're going to use her story as a peg for some completely unsolicited advice-giving.

WWSD? Captain Sully Concerned About Air Safety

Jeff Neumann · 04/28/11 07:22AM

Air travel in America is becoming increasingly scary, with napping air traffic controllers, First Lady near misses, and so on. Who can we turn to in these trying times? Heh, we should be ashamed for posing such a rhetorical question. The Daily Beast caught up with the only man we need to hear from, Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger, to get his thoughts on the crisis gathering in America's skies. Besides the fact that Captain Sully never met a flying schedule he couldn't man up and handle, we learn that proposed cuts in the FAA's budget scare him:

Why You Need to Secure Your WiFI Network

Max Read · 04/24/11 04:44PM

In February, federal agents raided the home of a man in Buffalo (throwing him down the stairs in the process) and arrested him for possession of child pornography. It took three days for the authorities to realize they had the wrong guy: The suspect's neighbor had accessed his unprotected wireless network and used it to share child porn. Something similar happened to a man in Florida last year, and to another man in Syracuse, N.Y. in 2009 (upstate New York agents may want to rethink their process); the point is, password-protect your wireless network, because your neighbor is probably a pedophile. [AP]

Three-Year-Old Given Really Lame Tattoo

Max Read · 04/06/11 10:58PM

Georgia father Eugene Ashley pleaded guilty this week to tattooing his three-year-old son with the initials "DB"—short for "Daddy's Boy." Really, dude? "DB"? You couldn't have come up with something better than that?

Do Not Show Up to Your DWI Hearing With 'a Bag Full of Beer'

Max Read · 03/22/11 12:52AM

As part of our ongoing attempt to help our readers navigate the lonely, terrifying modern world, we offer this advice: If you are arrested for driving while intoxicated, do not bring "a bag full of beer" to your court hearing. This is what Keith Gruber, 49, of Swan Lake, N.Y., did on Monday; the judge at the hearing was not pleased, and threw Gruber in jail without bail. But we may all learn from Gruber's unfortunate experience, and take the following advice:

Now's the Time to Bet Against Gold

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 04:16PM

Nothing loves disaster more than gold prices. Thanks to the unspeakable devastation in Japan, gold prices rose once again today, and investors have high hopes that they'll just keep on rising for the foreseeable future.