
American Idol: Sit Back and Relax, Enjoy the Schmo

Richard Lawson · 04/15/09 01:55PM

Forget you, Sasha Frere-Jones. The hip hipster face of music appreciation is now Quentin Tarantino. The onetime Idol guest judge was a Mentor to the kids last night. With, you know, predicatably disastrous results.

American Idol: Motown's Just a Fancy Name for Detroit

Richard Lawson · 03/26/09 11:48AM

I think Motown is my least favorite of the Idol theme nights. The songs have all been sung too many times, they almost always sound dated, and it's racially embarrassing. Last night was no exception.

American Idol: Murdering Johnny Cash for Fun and Profit

Richard Lawson · 03/18/09 12:35PM

Country week is often the worst Idol theme night, because belting black ladies and barn-burning rocker grrls and fey dancepixie gays have a hard time twanging. This year's version went... actually, kinda OK.

How to Win the Chicks On American Idol

Richard Lawson · 02/26/09 03:46PM

This was quite possibly the dullest episode of American Idol in recent memory (and that's saying something!!! blah-blah) But at least there were cute boys! Well, one in particular. But the singing? Ick.