Katherine Heigl Seeks Escape From Doomed 'Grey's' In Search Of Big-Screen Stardom
Molly Friedman · 05/08/08 03:10PM
We've been poking fun at Katherine Heigl for months now, and with good reason: she just can't stop saying the darndest things about her emasculated husband Joshua Kelley, she is completely lacking gaydar ... frankly, this list could go on for hours. But after hearing the news that Heigl is pushing for an escape from the ratings-challenged Grey's Anatomy following a fiscally successful contract renegotiation later made public, we're inching towards Team Heigl for the first time. As a source tells MSNBC:
Kate Hudson On Katherine Heigl: 'Who Is She?'
Molly Friedman · 03/03/08 07:45PM
With two superstar parents and a lifetime spent travelling in Hollywood circles, you'd think Kate Hudson would be pretty up on her brethren in the acting community (especially those actresses gracing the cover of just about every other glossy on the newsstand). But apparently the name Katherine Heigl doesn't ring a bell with the former Mrs. Robinson. In an interview with UK Elle, the no-longer-single blondie allegedly feigned ignorance when Heigl's name was brought up, asking:
Wedding Announcements So Compelling They Made A Movie
alexisss · 01/28/08 09:27AMMOST UNLIKELY SIDE PROJECTS COUPLED WITH WORST DJ NAME: The last graf of the otherwise hum drum Katherine Applegarth and Matthew Simons wedding (she's a marketing and business consultant; he's an assistant professor of emergency medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine) read: "The bride is also a founding member of the Suburbia Roller Derby league of Westchester County, using the name Rat-Tat-Kat. The bridegroom is a D.J. known as G-Funk, playing at bars and clubs in Brooklyn and Manhattan."
'Cloverfield' Devours January
Seth Abramovitch · 01/21/08 12:10PM
You know, Hollywood has a dream, too: Seeing summer box office numbers in the dead of January. This weekend, that dream has finally come to pass, bringing movie executives of all stripes and luxury-car-driving-categories out of their offices and into the streets, to stand together and toss bushels of warm money into the air in a stirring showing of producerly love. The numbers:
Katherine Heigl: Just Not That Into Him?
Mark Graham · 01/17/08 01:55PM
Defamer's favorite defender of feminism/nicotine addict, Katherine Heigl, is making the rounds on the talk show circuit to ostensibly pump up the enthusiasm levels for her new rom-com, 27 Dresses. However, she spent most of her time on The Late Show last night emasculating her husband of two weeks, Josh "Katherine Calls Me Joshua" Kelley. That is, when she wasn't readily admitting that she wouldn't stoop to the level of actually paying to go see her own movie.
seth · 01/03/08 04:16PM

In a stunning Romcom Release-Date Push-Back Exclusive, usmagazine.com is reporting that Katherine Heigl's hotly unanticipated Knocked Up feature film follow-up, 27 Candles Dresses, will be opening on January 18, not January 11, as had been previously scheduled. A Fox "insider" offered a suspiciously sanguine, "The movie played so well at public sneak previews on December 27 that it was decided just last night to move it back a week to take advantage of the holiday weekend." Skeptics that we are when it comes to an anonymous studio flack's pom-pom waving, we're wondering if the extra week isn't instead for them to add some 11th hour footage of Heigl's head being blown off by an unseen, fire-belching beast, the better to position the film opposite Paramount's Godzilla-sized offering, Cloverfield. [usmagazine.com]