When Yolanda Bogert's teenage son came out to her as transgender last week, she decided to show her love and support by correcting the official record.

When Kai was born, as Elizabeth Anne, his parents ran an announcement celebrating the arrival of their daughter. 19 years later, a second announcement in Australia's Courier-Mail now amends that to "our wonderful son."

"In 1995 we announced the arrival of our sprogget Elizabeth Anne as a daughter. He informs us that we were mistaken. Oops! Our bad. We would like to present our wonderful son – Kai Bogert. Loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Tidy your room."

"I needed to show my son I support him 100 percent and wanted to let the world know that," Yolanda told the Courier-Mail.

More importantly, Kai is fine with the big public announcement.

"I am so happy with what she has done. This last week has changed everything for me," he told the paper. "I am still me but I am more me than I was a few days ago and feel free."

Kai hasn't made any decisions about hormones, surgery, or tidying his room yet.

"These are early days but so far I have never been happier," he said.

[h/t HuffPo]