Two Brisbane, Australia blokes who review golf courses on YouTube, James Macklin and Connor Reeves, just wanted to have their shot at Queensland’s Hervey Bay Golf Club, but this kangaroo wasn’t having it, mate.

According to Macklin, he went to hit his ball and the roo started chasing him on foot. He decided to let Connor have a turn, and got out his phone just in case the kangaroo came at them again. Obviously, it did.

On YouTube, the reviewers admitted that they overreacted as they fled screaming in their golf cart—but not by much, because kangaroos will fucking kill you: “Anything could have happened and we all know a roo kicking someone wouldn’t end well. But the overreaction was perfect.”

Too right. Just get out of there, mate.

Final review for Hervey Bay Golf: OOooo. (Two kangaroo balls out of five.)

[h/t Telegraph]