On Sunday afternoon, Donald Trump took to his Facebook page to tease the “very special guest” attending his rally in Iowa later today. So after some quick eliminating of nearly everyone because who in their right mind would possibly align themselves with Trump, the internet settled on its most likely answer: frequent subject of McCain night terrors Sarah Palin.

[Update and confirmation below.]

The evidence for a soon-to-be-announced Palin endorsement is relatively compelling. Judging from Trump’s post, the “major announcement” and “very special guest” have to mean someone at least mildly prominent.

And while some speculated that his exciting new buddy might be none other than Jerry Falwell, Jr., if Falwell were going to endorse Trump, he almost certainly would have done it when introducing Trump at Liberty University yesterday. What’s more, Falwell made it explicit that while he is a huge supporter of Trump–a man who reminds him “so much of my father”—Liberty U doesn’t endorse any one candidate.

Palin, on the other hand, has no problem picking favorites. And as Hot Air noted, she even told CNN back in November that her “standout” candidate was none other than Donald Trump himself.

So while she did endorse Cruz last time around, a Trump endorsement really wouldn’t be all that surprising coming from Palin. In an interview with off-brand Fox News network OAN back in August, Sarah Palin effectively spent ten minutes masturbating Trump while muttering “The Donald” over and over and over again.

It’s safe to say she likes the guy.

And, as some industrious young FreeRepublic users found, Flight Aware shows that a private jet flew from Anchorage to Des Moines last night, landing around 8 p.m.

Meaning that at least for now, all signs point to Palin, who would give Trump the foothold into the Tea Party he very much needs. Because while Trump currently has disenfranchised racists on lock, he still needs to establish himself in the party as a whole.

Of course, there’s always the possibility that everyone’s wrong and Trump is about to go on stage with Martin Shkreli and all our dreams will come true. But barring that, come 6 p.m., it’s (probably most likely) Palin time, baby.

Update 4:28 p.m.:

The New York Times has received confirmation from Donald Trump’s campaign that Sarah Palin will be indeed be officially endorsing him for president later today.

According to the provided statement, Sarah Palin is proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president, saying: “I’m proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for president.”

Donald, for his part, is also proud, saying: “She is a friend, and a high-quality person whom I have great respect for.”

We wish the Donald all the same, high-quality luck that Palin brought the McCain campaign.

Contact the author at ashley@gawker.com. Image via Getty.