[There was a video here]

Unfortunately for 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley, disgraced Pope impersonator Donald Trump was interviewed by 60 Minutes correspondent Scott Pelley. And it was exactly the train wreck you were hoping for.

Trump didn’t really say anything we hadn’t heard before, of course, but this is one of the first times an interviewer has really been able to push him on the grandiose, wholly unexplained plans for his presidency. Almost half of the interview itself consists of Pelley asking—pleading—Trump to explain how exactly he plans to accomplish, say, rounding up and deporting 12 million immigrants. To which Trump inevitably responds with something to the effect of, Don’t worry, I’m Donald Trump.

Yes you are—and Donald, we cannot wait for that tax plan.

We’ve put together all the best bits above—but if you can stomach it, see the full interview below.

Contact the author at ashley@gawker.com.