Gawker Media's Biggest Mistakes

Ashley Feinberg · 08/10/16 09:00AM

I’ve had lots of ideas in my time here at Gawker Media, all of them good. I’ve also had countless constructive and fruitful conversations with various editors about my ideas, and I know I’m better for it. However, these same editors have also made mistakes—egregious ones. Fortunately, the advent of the messaging app Slack has allowed for some of these good ideas (and the conversations surrounding them) to be easily found and preserved for posterity. It has also allowed me to pinpoint exactly where this company went wrong.

LEAKED: The Lost Gawker Night Blogs

Hudson Hongo · 08/09/16 10:40PM

For every macabre, titillating or actually informative off-hours post that has appeared on Gawker dot com, there’s one that was too scandalous, too stupid or just too boring to make it onto the site. Tonight, we pull back the curtain to show you the godforsaken night blogs that were neither editor nor reader was ever meant to see.


Hudson Hongo · 08/09/16 05:05PM

Read the news on any particular day and it’s hard not to come to the conclusion that the world is Bad. We can do our best to resist the Badness and maybe even contribute some Goodness, but while all of us (Peter Thiel excluded) will one day die, the Badness will surely live on forever. This, my friend, is where the bubbles come in.

Please Stop Asking for Shrek Nudes

Ashley Feinberg · 08/09/16 04:37PM

Yesterday, Gawker Editor-in-Chief Alex Pareene lied to you, the readers here at He said, should you write into the Gawker tips line with your phone number, that I would then text you an obscene image of the popular children’s character “Shrek.” I agreed to no such thing. I will, however, share that obscene image with you now.

He Really Didn't Say "Titties"

Rich Juzwiak · 08/09/16 04:00PM

The greatest mystery of our time has been solved, but you might not even realize that it was a mystery in the first place: Contrary to Gawker’s own reporting, Donald Trump did not say “titties” when addressing the Detroit Economic Club yesterday. Sorry to spoil your fun, but it’s for the sake of regaining my sanity.

A Bronze Medal Is Better Than Silver

Jordan Sargent · 08/09/16 03:40PM

The organizing principle of the Olympic medals functions as a universal language. Gold means first place, silver means second place, bronze means third place. The games have changed over the years, but this concept has remained a constant.

Papa John's Pizza Is the Best Pizza in Chicago

curry shoff · 08/09/16 02:20PM

If you’ve ever been to Chicago, chances are you’ve been dragged to a “local joint” to get that “famous Chicago pizza.” Here is the thing though: Chicago pizza actually sucks and is bad.

They Should Only Swim the Fast Way

Alex Pareene and Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/16 02:00PM

Close watchers of the Olympic games will notice that there are swimming medals awarded for four different “strokes.” That’s three strokes too many and we’ll tell you why.

Hamilton Nolan · 08/09/16 01:55PM

“This white, 53-year-old mother hadn’t counted on God sending an African American with dreads named Glenn.” A Christian blog post headlined “When God Sends Your White Daughter a Black Husband” is just as good as you would think.

The Dallas Police Department Was Completely Winging It When It Used a Killer Robot Last Month

Andy Cush · 08/09/16 01:20PM

After Dallas police officers used a bomb-carrying robot last month to kill the sniper Micah X. Johnson, it was widely reported that the incident marked the first time an American law enforcement agency had used that technique. But it appears that the bombing was not only unprecedented, but utterly unplanned-for: According to the Dallas Police Department’s open records team, the department has no written rules, guidelines, or protocols for how or when to use bomb-carrying robots against suspects.

Signs You Are Actually Dating a Fox News Spy

Gabrielle Bluestone · 08/09/16 12:50PM

“About ten years ago I had a crush on a woman at Fox News. She was a low level staffer. I was in college at the time. So I was going out on what I thought were dates. Chris, I thought these were dates. These were not dates. She was actually reporting back to Fox News about me. She was reporting back about what I thought of her and about CNN and MSNBC and Fox. Because I was a reporter on the beat, they were actually spying on me that way.” — CNN’s Brian Stelter, who is currently married to a former Fox affiliate reporter...

How to Find a Beeping Smoke Detector If You Don’t Know Where It Is

J.K. Trotter · 08/09/16 12:30PM

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably frustrated by the fact that, somewhere in your house or apartment, a smoke alarm with a dying battery is beeping, and beeping, and beeping—usually once every 60 seconds—but you cannot figure out where the alarm is located. The following solution to this problem will sound counter-intuitive, but it’s worked for me and others (Taylor Berman), so I’d like to share it with you: