Which Media Companies Have the Best and Worst RNC Digs?

Ashley Feinberg · 07/18/16 05:16PM

Almost every major-to-moderate media outlet will be working hard from their designated workspaces in the convention center this week to bring you the latest RNC news, just as fast as their little fingers can type. But not all designated workspaces are created equal.

The GOP Would Like Everyone to Know That It's Fine, Everything Is Fine

Alex Pareene · 07/18/16 03:54PM

CLEVELAND — In 2012, the non-TV press at least had a halfway decent view of the stage. The press stand seats here in Quicken Loan Arenas are effectively behind the podium, which will eventually have the unintended effect of making it clear to the media when any speaker goes off-prompter (not that anyone scheduled to speak this week is known for that, or anything).

Meet the Man Whose Dog Is Filming the RNC

Brendan O'Connor · 07/18/16 03:25PM

CLEVELAND — In the public square on Monday, as religious fundamentalists condemned sodomy to anyone who would listen, William Hale made sure his dog, wearing a vest laden with GoPro video cameras, was staying hydrated. “A lot of people ask if the dog is a boy or a girl,” he told Gawker. “I try to be gender neutral. It’s just ‘Liberty.’”

Guess How Much This Bedazzled "Trump '16" Box Costs

Ashley Feinberg · 07/18/16 02:35PM

The Republican National Convention isn’t just about putting the GOP’s shiny new nominee on display. It’s also the perfect place for good, hard-working American vendors to hawk their wares. Wares like this rhinestone-covered box for Trump. Guess how much this box costs.

The Main Republican Convention Stage Apparently Smells Like Rotten Bananas and Mildew

Jordan Sargent · 07/18/16 02:15PM

There is a foul odor emanating from the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, and folks—it isn’t the party platform. This morning, just before the start of the convention, a police officer conversed with a dispatcher about the distinct smell of “rotten bananas and mildew” wafting out of the arena’s banjo-shaped stage. That back-and-forth, broadcast via police scanner, is captured above.

Meet The Bikers For Trump, The RNC’s Harley-Riding Volunteer Security Squad

Andy Cush · 07/18/16 01:35PM

About 50 Donald Trump-supporting motorcyclists rolled out of the parking lot of the Rock-n-Roll City Harley-Davidson dealership this morning in Cleveland, headed to a rally where speakers such as the conspiracist radio host Alex Jones and right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos would extoll the virtues of the candidate later in the afternoon. Whether in an effort to better understand the Trump phenomenon or the Biker phenomenon, I can’t really say, but, I spoke with several of them before they departed for the event.

White Nationalists at the RNC Don't Think Trump Goes Far Enough

Brendan O'Connor · 07/18/16 01:15PM

CLEVELAND — Outside the Republican National Convention on Monday, Gawker ran into Matthew Heimbach, a podcast host for The Daily Stormer, who is encouraging delegates to write in the late George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, for president. Donald Trump, Heimbach said, doesn’t go far enough. “He needs to become an ethno-nationalist. He needs to understand that a people is the basis of a nation,” he said. “Specifically, white people.”

Report: Murdoch Family Plans to Remove Fox News CEO Roger Ailes After Sexual Harassment Suit

J.K. Trotter · 07/18/16 12:55PM

News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch and his two large adult sons, James and Lachlan, have decided that Roger Ailes must be dethroned from their company’s most consistent cash cow. Almost exactly one week after former Fox News host Gretchen Carlson hit CEO Roger Ailes with a sexual harassment lawsuit, Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine reports that the Murdochs arrived at their decision after “reviewing the initial findings of the [internal] probe” into Carlson’s allegations:

I Am, Therefore I Shop (At American Eagle)

Andy Cush · 07/18/16 12:04PM

I noticed the window display you see above at the Union Square American Eagle store while walking to work one day last week. It looks a lot like the streetwear brand Supreme, which is to say it looks like the work of the artist Barbara Kruger. A ubiquitous clothing line seducing its customers with the visual language of art, borrowed secondhand from a trendier competitor: this is what Kruger herself might term “a ridiculous clusterfuck,” and it’s exactly the kind of clusterfuck she examines in her work.

Third Cop Acquitted in Death of Freddie Gray

Jordan Sargent · 07/18/16 11:15AM

This morning, Baltimore police Lieutenant Brian Rice was acquitted on three charges stemming from the death of Freddie Gray, making him the third officer to be cleared of all wrongdoing in as many months.

Build Housing Faster, Okay

Hamilton Nolan · 07/18/16 08:50AM

Many areas of America—the areas where lots of people want to live—also have crushing housing shortages. One unorthodox, wild idea seems to be becoming more attractive... build more housing, faster.