A Woman Has Accepted the Nomination for President

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/16 10:32PM

On Thursday night, Hillary Clinton took the stage at the Democratic National Convention to become the first woman ever to be nominated for president by a major party. Standing before a crowd of thousands of supporters, Clinton accepted, saying, “When there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit.”

Weekend at Bernie's

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/16 09:49PM

During her historic acceptance speech Thursday night, Hillary Clinton thanked Bernie Sanders. As the cameras cut to him, Bernie visibly reacted, which is to say I can tell he’s not dead because he’s clearly blinking. Never change Bernie!

Incredible: All These Old, Hideous Politicians Were Once Young and Hot

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/16 09:45PM

Turns out politicians are just like us—they were once young and attractive, with their whole lives ahead of them, and now they’re not. Join us on a truly incredible DNC-themed look back at once was, what could have been, and which former cutie you should call “dad” this week on Twitter (it’s Tim Kaine).

The Father of a Fallen Muslim Soldier Just Humiliated Donald Trump

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/16 08:47PM

Offering to lend Donald Trump his copy of the Constitution, the father of a Muslim soldier killed fighting in Iraq humiliated Donald Trump on stage at the Democratic National Convention, pointing out, rather accurately, that Trump has never had to make a major sacrifice in his life.

An Apology to All the People I've Walked in on in the Bathroom at the Washington Post Party

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/28/16 05:25PM

PHILADELPHIA — Here at Gawker, a company bankrupt both economically and morally, we have rented no “official” DNC headquarters for the week. Luckily for us, the Washington Post has kindly allowed us into their beautiful set-up at the City Tap House, where we have been dining and imbibing all day, for free, which I presume will continue until the woman guarding the door realizes her mistake.

Cory Booker's Name Has Become a Synonym for "Sellout"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/16 04:26PM

It is interesting to reflect on the fact that in just one decade, Cory Booker has gone from Inspirational Activist Mayor of a Devastated Black City to Untouchable Neoliberal Scum.

Hey, What Happened to Melania Trump’s Website?

Brendan O'Connor · 07/28/16 03:57PM

Taking time out from her current business and professional interests, Melania Trump addressed fans’ questions on Thursday about why her website, MelaniaTrump.com, now redirects to the Trump Organization’s homepage. “The website in question was created in 2012 and has been removed because it does not accurately reflect my current business and professional interests,” she said in a screenshot statement posted to Twitter. The statement, astute readers will note, is only 10 characters longer than Twitter’s 140 character limit.