As far as surprise guests dropping into your grade school classroom go, you could do little better than the leader of the free world. You could do a little better, though.

Madison, a sixth grader at a charter school in DC, was hoping for Beyoncé when a teacher told her class it would be receiving a surprise visitor. When President Obama showed up instead, she didn't hide her disappointment. From the New York Daily News:

In a charter school classroom in Northeast Washington, the President was placed next to Madison, a sixth grader, in a group inserting toys into backpacks that homeless children will get as birthday gifts.

The schoolgirl told the President that when she learned therer would be a special guest, she thought it would "be Beyoncé."

"I really wanted it to be," she said, "but then I realized it was gonna be you."

"Malia and Sasha would feel the same way," the President smiled.

The girl, perhaps sensing that she'd hurt the president's feelings, "quickly clarified" that having Obama was "even better" than Beyoncé, the Daily News reports. Sure it was, Madison.

[h/t Daily Intel, Image via AP]