The invitation for the upcoming Kanye West and Kim Kardashian nuptials is as austere as a death certificate in slate gray grey and gold ink. The invite, which was leaked to US Weekly, is most notable for its use of the British spelling of "honor." This is a clue for the wedding's secret location.

All we can glean from this piece of scanned cardstock are the following details: It is black tie. Just par-ahnts, no kids. There's a dinner before the wedding, on the eve of. Details for all will be provided upon arrival.

But this "u"—what does it tell us?

  • The wedding supposedly takes place in Paris, which is in proximity to England
  • "Honour" is the British English spelling of "honor"
  • Kanye West rapped over "American Boy," a track by British singer Estelle
  • Kim Kardashian and Kate Middleton were pregnant at the same time
  • "Paris, France" has every letter to the word "palace" except for "l"
  • Kanye and Kim's child is named North West; if you travel north and west from Paris, you hit London, England
  • Anna Wintour is a key member of the illuminati

The wedding is at Buckingham Palace. See you there.

[Image via US Weekly]