The so-called "pick-up pranks" that have permeated YouTube in recent months have been steadily pushing the envelope toward actual sex crime territory — but the latest such "gag" crosses that line with its balls hanging out.

No joke: In a video admittedly inspired by other extreme Internet pranksters such as Vitaly Zdorovetskiy, Norwegian YouTube personality Freddy Fairhair goes around hitting on women while completely naked.

More than merely asking for their phone numbers, Fairhair occasionally helps himself to an unsolicited hug from the women he harasses — once while sporting a self-declared "boner."

In the YouTube comments, many congratulated Fairhair on his "confidence," and lamented their inability to reenact the stunt in the States for fear of being labeled a "sex offender" for life.

"Lots of losers around here throwing the towel already saying 'This would never work where i live,'" reads the video's top comment. "Don't make up excuses, go make your own legend."

[H/T: The Daily Dot]