
Why No Beyonce at the DNC? 

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/16 01:06PM

The Democratic convention in Philly featured “celebrities” including Eva Longoria, Elizabeth Banks, and Lena Dunham. Why no Beyonce?

Cory Booker's Name Has Become a Synonym for "Sellout"

Hamilton Nolan · 07/28/16 04:26PM

It is interesting to reflect on the fact that in just one decade, Cory Booker has gone from Inspirational Activist Mayor of a Devastated Black City to Untouchable Neoliberal Scum.

Everything's Not Good 

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/16 10:06AM

“And the sign says, you gotta have a membership card to get inside. Uh!” -Tesla

Contrary to DNC Claim, Hacked Data Contains a Ton of Personal Donor Information

Sam Biddle · 06/17/16 02:36PM

When the Washington Post reported Monday that the Democratic National Committee’s servers had been breached by a team of Russian hackers, the DNC was quick to claim that nothing pertaining to the party’s many supporters had been pilfered. But a new cache of apparently hacked documents obtained by Gawker contains a wealth of donor information, including e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers for hundreds of high-profile and wealthy Democratic fundraisers.

What Should Bernie Sanders Ask For? 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/08/16 09:45AM

Barring an act of god or the FBI, Bernie Sanders is not going to win the Democratic nomination. He does, however, now have a window to make some demands in exchange for his support. What should he get?

Union Leaders: Stop Fucking Up

Hamilton Nolan · 05/17/16 09:50AM

In this bizarre presidential election season, will the Democrats allow petty infighting and lack of vision to successfully put Donald Trump in the White House? Some labor union leaders are doing their best to fuck things up already.

Unchaperoned Bill Clinton Loves Jokes: 'Shoot Every Third Person on Wall Street'

Melissa Cronin · 04/16/16 09:25AM

Bill Clinton is still, somehow, allowed to speak at important public events, and he’s certainly making the most of it. The former president and now first-man-in-training took that privilege to a whole new level this week, giving his thoughts on the rival of his wife, Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton.