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In a statement on Tuesday, Ben Carson lamented the “lack of civility” in the Republican primary race, which he said has become an “embarrassment on the world stage.” During the debate last week, Carson pleaded, “Can someone please attack me?”

“If we are to defeat our Democratic opponent in the general election this November, we must reach an agreement together with each other that we will not succumb to the media’s desire for a fight on the stage in Detroit,” Carson said in his statement.

“I am confident that the five remaining candidates can rise above the sophomoric attacks of past encounters and have a serious discussion about substantive issues and how we will lead our nation forward toward a more prosperous and secure future.”

Also on Tuesday, Carson’s campaign chairman, Bob Dees, said that the good doctor has no intention of dropping out of the race, despite pressure from heavyweight Republican financiers and the fact that he has no chance of winning the nomination. “It’s been several...two groups of billionaire types of folks that have pressured him,” Dees said.

“We don’t have a well defined path to victory,” he continued. “But we think the opportunity still exists for people to wake up, and that’s what we’re hoping.”

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