In a big win for people who spend their time petitioning mega corporations to make unhealthy foods mildly healthier, Kraft Food Group Inc. announced Thursday that they will begin removing dyes from their famously-bright macaroni and cheese.

But you can stop hyperventilating because they will not be removing the fake dye from their “original flavor” elbow-shaped macaroni and cheese. In a far emptier gesture, they’ll only be removing Yellow 5 and Yellow 6 from the SpongeBob Squarepants, Halloween, and “winter shapes” varieties of macaroni and cheese. According to Kraft, they’ll replace the dye with "spices like paprika." So instead of looking like neon noodles, the new macaroni and cheese will look like SpongeBob Squarepants drowning in blah speckled with paprika.

However, Kraft really wants you to know that in no way did this change result from a petition with 348,000 signatures asking the company to stop using the dyes. According to the vice president of marketing meals at Kraft, Triona Schmelter, the company is simply “making improvement where we can,” not paying attention to widely publicized outrage.

This will surely come as good news to the party poopers circulating this petition asking M&Ms to remove artificial dyes from the candies. The authors of this petition, appearing on the Today show this week, assert that the "petroleum-based" dyes cause hyperactivity in children. Their petition currently has 108,000 signatures.

First they came for the macaroni and cheese, then they came for the M&Ms. What bright foods will be next?

[Image via Shutterstock]