Glenn Beck announced yesterday that he would personally help finance and deliver "tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls" to the 60,000 underage undocumented immigrants detained at the U.S.-Mexico border. And some conservatives are going apeshit on him.

Beck made the announcement on his own radio show, dutifully transcribed on his website:

"Through no fault of their own, they are caught in political crossfire," Beck said of the children. "And while we continue to put pressure on Washington and change its course of lawlessness, we must also help. It is not either, or. It is both. We have to be active in the political game, and we must open our hearts."

In a moment of earnestness, showmanship, or possibly both, Beck conceded the move might be unpopular with conservatives, including some of his listeners and subscribers. He was right.

The anti-Beck backlash was stoked late Wednesday by scribbler and grumpy tweeter John Nolte, who took a break from decrying liberal women to highlight his site's slanted coverage of Beck and diss the radio jock for lamenting that some conservatives lack compassion:

Unfortunately, Nolte's got to defend the indefensible—namely, his own root attitudes toward the influx of child immigrants:

Even less defensible were reactions among his site's commenters, who couldn't believe Beck would use even private funds to make a minor undocumented immigrant's life easier:

  • What a disgrace it right! Send every illegal back & stop the freebies! And once again Obama wants the taxpayers to pay for his screw-up!
  • If bums starting hanging out in your yard would you feed them?
  • Beck should be using his "pulpit" to argue strongly for immediate deportation and for focusing on the LAWLESSNESS of the Administration. One final point is....just like with the Gov't Freebies given to these illegals....and the Tacit Amnesty that Obama is promising with a Dream-Act like Executive Order.....Beck's stunt just serves to ENCOURAGE MORE illegals to come....which is ultimately Destructive to these many children.

Reaction from right-wingers on Twitter was divided, but compassionless conservatism was distressingly easy to find there, too—like Republican Ohio Rep. Andrew Brenner:

For all that, Brenner was more charitable than the conservative rank and file:

Weirdly, some of the most classless and combative right-wing personalities on Twitter did get what Beck was doing, like Chris Loesch:

Nolte, on the other hand, is a lost cause.

[Photo credit: AP Images]