
You'll Never Guess Who's Angry About CNN "Deceptively" Editing a Video of Sylville Smith's Sister

Andy Cush · 08/17/16 03:55PM

In a recent segment, CNN used a short clip featuring the sister of Sylville Smith, a man who was shot dead by a Milwaukee police officer on Saturday. In CNN’s version of the clip, Sherelle Smith can be heard telling a crowd of onlookers, “Don’t bring the violence here, and the ignorance here.” Later, in a portion of her speech that CNN didn’t air, Smith suggested that if the crowd wanted to riot, they should “take that shit to the suburbs, burn that shit down.”

Trump Campaign Manager's Defense Lawyer is a Former U.S. Attorney Who Resigned Because People Found Out He Bit a Stripper

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/29/16 11:45AM

Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was charged with simple battery today for allegedly manhandling Michelle Fields, a reporter for the conservative news outlet Breitbart. One of the criminal attorneys representing him in these matters is a former U.S. Attorney who left office after it became public that he had bitten a dancer at a strip club.

How Breitbart Protected Donald Trump by Hanging Michelle Fields Out to Dry

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/11/16 02:51PM

Michelle Fields, a reporter for the archconservative news outlet Breitbart, was asking Donald Trump a question this past Tuesday when a man, identified by at least one eyewitness as Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, grabbed her arm hard enough to leave a bruise and pulled her forcefully away from the candidate. Since then, pro-Trump reporters, flacks and even Trump himself have attempted to discredit Fields, but the most egregious discrediting efforts have come from Breitbart itself—a cozy, pro-Trump outlet that began gaslighting its own employee almost immediately after the incident, and has not let up since.

Who Said It: Anti-Rape Activists or Breitbart Commenters Talking About Bill Clinton?

Allie Jones · 01/09/16 09:00AM

With Bill Clinton’s role in Hillary’s presidential campaign comes a resurgence in conservative media attention on all of his baggage, most notably his history of allegedly abusing and/or being inappropriate with women. Conservative commenters, like those who populate the space underneath Breitbart articles titled “EXCLUSIVE – Juanita Broaddrick: Hillary ‘Disgusting’ for Silencing Bill’s ‘Rape’”, have been especially concerned with Bill Clinton’s alleged victims lately.

Breitbart’s Racist Story About Shaun King Has Completely Imploded

J.K. Trotter · 08/20/15 04:15PM

[UPDATED BELOW] Yesterday, the nativist website alleged that the anti-racism activist Shaun King had repeatedly and willfully misrepresented his racial background for money and publicity, highlighting the fact that King’s 1979 birth certificate indicates he was born to two white parents (instead of a “Caucasian mother and an African-American father,” as a 2012 profile of King noted). But now MSNBC correspondent Joy Reid is reporting—and King has since confirmed in an essay for DailyKos—a crucial bit of context: The father listed on the certificate, Jeffery Wayne King, is not the activist’s biological father. Today Reid told anchor Richard Lui:

Activist Shaun King Criticized for Allegedly Misrepresenting His Race

J.K. Trotter · 08/20/15 11:02AM

Shaun King is a 36-year-old Atlanta-based activist who has played a prominent role in anti-racism movements such as Black Lives Matter. He publicly identifies as “black or biracial” and is the son, according to a 2012 profile, of “a Caucasian mother and an African-American father.” Yesterday, however, the nativist website began questioning King’s story of his upbringing, and focused on purported evidence suggesting that his father is in fact white. King eventually dismissed Breitbart’s questions as the work of a “white supremacist conspiracy,” but not before further inflaming a debate that has since mesmerized conservative media circles.