Actual buffoon Donald Trump has decided to cancel a planned political ambush of “as many as 100 black evangelical religious leaders” when many of those leaders caught wind of his plan, reports the Associated Press.

His campaign issued a press release last week that read: “Mr. Trump will be joined by a coalition of 100 African-American evangelical pastors and religious leaders who will endorse the GOP front-runner after a private meeting at Trump Tower.”

So, what went wrong?

Many of those invited to the event say they had no intention of endorsing the billionaire businessman and former reality television star.

Gotta nail down those details, Donald.

The AP report mentions an open letter published in Ebony from—hey, look at that—more than 100 black religious leaders and scholars in which they urge those set to meet with Trump to consider his history of, you know, being a racist fuckface.

From the open letter (I urge you to read the whole thing—it’s worth it):

What theology do you believe Mr. Trump possesses when his politics are so clearly anti-Black? He routinely engages in the kind of rhetoric that brings out the worst sorts of white racist aggression, not only toward Black people, but also toward Mexican-Americans and Muslim-Americans, too. Surely, we can agree that this kind of unloving and violent language does not reflect the politics of the Christ we profess?

A Trump campaign spokesperson says Trump will still meet with the group, in private. Sometime later he will get into an argument on “Meet the Press” in which he insists there is video of them endorsing him.

[Associated Press]

Image via AP