[There was a video here]

Despite being the frontrunner for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump’s campaign is predicated on being non-traditional and non-presidential. So it’s perhaps no surprise that today he forcefully resisted a call to reveal any of his tax returns, which is a routine part of the election process.

During a rally today in which Chris Christie announced his endorsement of the new face of the GOP, Trump fielded a question from a reporter regarding his tax returns. You can see the exchange above, in which Trump says he won’t release any tax returns until the conclusion of the audit of his most recent returns. When asked why he won’t just release returns from previous years, Trump declines to explain and instead nudges his base to question why he is so frequently audited by the federal government.

Which, uh, actually is a good question! In any event, you can find every other serious candidate’s tax returns quite easily: Here are Hillary Clinton’s and Bernie Sanders’ and Marco Rubio’s and Ted Cruz’s. At last night’s debate, Rubio and Cruz banded together to hit Trump on the issue of his taxes, with Rubio stating that the public should be able to see how much Trump makes versus how much money he inherited.

Maybe Trump will release his returns, maybe he won’t. Maybe it will matter, maybe it won’t.

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com.