Who’s a smart doggie? Is it you? Is it you? No, it’s not, if your name is Benno, at least. The 4-year-old Belgian Malinois recently goofed his way onto an operating table by scarfing down almost two dozen live bullets, The New York Daily News reports.

“He acted like nothing was wrong until he threw up,” owner Larry Brassfield of of Mountain Home, Arkansas told Reuters. Finding several rifle cartridges in Benno’s vomit, Brassfield rushed his dog to veterinarian Sarah Shelton.

In all, Benno had eaten 23 308-caliber rounds, 16 of which Shelton removed surgically. Benno, to his credit, was able to pass the rest himself.

According to Brassfield, this is not the first time Benno has managed to eat something that’s not for good doggies. The Baxter Bulletin helpfully published a full list of previous objects of Benno’s unconventional appetite:

• Stuffed animals
• Rubber Toys
• Coins
• 8-by-8-inch square pieces of cloth
• Styrofoam peanuts
• Cheese wrappers
• Rocks
• Paper
• Wax paper
• Aluminum foil
• Shirts
• Socks
• Underwear
• Bra
• Tennis shoes
• Rope
• Nylon straps
• Weed eater string
• Gasoline-soaked lawn mower air filter
• Blankets
• Marbles
• Plastic bag
• Quilt batting
• Sewing straight pins
• Plastic soda bottle
• Magnets
• Bottle lids swallowed whole
• Television remote
• Loaf of bread (wrapper included)
• Broken glass
• Chicken legs (swallowed whole)
• Nylon hairbrush
• Travel size bottle of lotion
• Baseboards
• Drywall (just randomly ate a piece of wall).

Dang, dog, don’t eat all those dumb things.

[Image via The Baxter Bulletin]