A New Zealand man was convicted Wednesday of forcibly removing teeth from four women’s mouths while he was having sex with them. Philip Lyle Hansen isn’t a licensed dentist, and the only thing qualifying to yank out his victims’ teeth is that he likes “fat, gummy women” and felt like he was helping them save money on dental bills.

The women testified that Hansen, 56, practiced his amateur dental surgery without anesthetic, using tools including a screwdriver, pliers, and an oily rag, the Australian Associated Press reported.

His earliest known victim told the court he removed six of her bottom teeth while she was having sex with him in the backseat of his car in the early ‘90s.

Another woman, who dated Hansen in 2009 after they met online, testified that he wanted to marry her after learning she wore dentures. Her testimony, per the Guardian:

“He asked me if I had false teeth,” she told the court.

“I said, ‘Yes, was that a problem?’ ”

The woman said Hansen reassured her that it was not.

“He said he liked gummy women and that he’d rather I didn’t have teeth, that I was far more beautiful without them,” she said.

More than 600 dentistry-related searches, including searches for the aforementioned “fat, gummy women” were found on Hansen’s computer, prosecutors said.

The trial lasted a week, and the jury took five hours to find Hansen guilty of six of the 10 charges he faces, including indecent assault and wounding with intent. He was acquitted of rape.

Hansen will be sentenced next month.

[h/t Metro, Photo: 3News]