Two recent high-profile calls to Comcast customer service—one where a rep kept a couple stuck in a verbal loop for 20 minutes as they desperately tried to disconnect their service, and one where the company only reversed fraudulent fees because the customer recorded the call—have opened the floodgates of evidence that your only choice for cable service doesn't give a shit about you.

Chicago customer Aaron Spain shared the above video yesterday, showing that when he called Comcast to disconnect his service, they put him on hold for three hours. He finally gave up after the company closed for the night.

Sure, he could have hung up after a reasonable amount of time and tried calling back, but forgetting about your customers entirely—or intentionally refusing to talk to them when they try to cancel their service—is not a good look.

Another customer, Dann Furia, recorded himself returning his Comcast equipment and kept a copy of the return receipt. He was still charged $360 in "unreturned equipment fees."

Repeated attempts to get the charges reversed—26 of them, he claims—have failed. Meanwhile, Comcast billed him again for the modem and router he'd already given back.

Reminder: This is a company that faces "little to no competition" in the areas where it operates, wants to merge with the similarly monopolistic Time Warner Cable in the areas where it doesn't, and does not give a fuck about you, the customer.

If you work in customer service at Comcast and would like to share your story about the system that keeps producing incidents like these, email jay.hathaway@gawker.

[H/T Reddit]