[There was a video here]

F&R Auto Sales in Freeport, Ma. has revealed themselves as cheapskates: In security footage of their office from this past Saturday, a group of employees can be seen berating the pizza delivery driver they forced to return the $7 in change he mistook for a tip.

Pizza Palace cashier Lianette Hernandez and manager Adam Willoughby confirmed to Boston.com that driver Jarrid Tansey delivered a pizza to F&R last Saturday and returned to the store. F&R called the Pizza Palace and demanded Tansey drive back and return the $7 he thought was his tip:

The total bill for the pizza and drinks was just over $42, Hernandez said, and dealership workers gave Tansey $50 in two twenties and two fives. In the video, Tansey says he confirmed that they wanted to give the whole $50, and then left with what he assumed was a $7-and-change tip.

The video above is of Tansey's interaction with F&R staff upon his return. "It just doesn't make sense why you'd hand me a bill that you were just gonna have me drive back here to give you back anyway," Tansey says. "I'm not mad, I just had to waste my resources coming back here."

The group of employees turn on him. One woman shouts, "Out the door before I put my foot in your ass."

After Tansey leaves, another man can be seen saying, "Get the fucking owner and the manager on the phone, I want that motherfucker done. I want him fired."

Pizza Palace manager Adam Willoughby told Boston.com he received a call from F&R to complain about their argument with Tansey—after the driver explained what happened, management chose not to discipline him.

"All the time, there's always a problem, always an issue," cashier Lianette Hernandez told Boston.com. "We've been going back and forth with them for a long time."

After the video, originally uploaded to YouTube with the title "irate pizza driver" and subsequently made private by the video's uploader, the owner of F&R and his son apparently apologized to Pizza Palace management in person. (I think we can all safely assume that F&R uploaded the video thinking it would help them get Tansey fired.)

F&R's digital profiles have since been tarred and feathered. This is their Yelp page as of this morning:

4chan, seeing blood in the water, published F&R employees' personal information. "We've been harassed all day," a manager at F&R told BuzzFeed News. "The police are investigating this."