
Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/16 01:00PM

A new ACLU report shines a light on the bizarre and troubling netherworld of South Carolina’s “summary courts,” which “refuse to provide counsel to the poor at all stages of the criminal process, and force defendants who can’t afford to pay fines to instead serve time in jail.”

Veterans and the Death Penalty

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/15 09:00AM

Tomorrow is Veterans Day. Spare a thought for the hundreds of veterans currently sitting on death row somewhere in America.

What We Are Getting Wrong About Police Reform 

Vann R. Newkirk II · 11/09/15 12:50PM

Are there too many police or are there too few? In the months since Black Lives Matter activists first organized protests against police violence, the concept of over-policing has become key in understanding the dynamic against which they fight, especially in dramatically over-policed places like Ferguson. Some opponents contend that black communities are actually under-policed, citing rates of violent crime and 911 response time as the reason to increase police presence. The focus on numbers, however, belies the fact that both over- and under-policing have been used to oppress black communities.