The very public, very ugly Kasem family feud played on this weekend with a dramatic day in court that culminated in a bizarre raw hamburger meat attack.

Kasem's daughter, Kerri, became his legal caretaker earlier this month after wresting control from his second wife, Jean. Kasem, who suffers from Lewy body dementia, can no longer eat or speak on his own, and his children have been fighting Jean in court for years. On Friday, a judge granted Kerri permission to take over his medical care.

The strange meat fight occurred on Sunday when Kerri, accompanied by an ambulance, arrived at Jean's house to take Kasem to a hospital.

According to NBC:

A few minutes later, someone inside the home called 911, and a second ambulance and fire truck arrived. After the fire truck was called away to an emergency, Jean Kasem walked downstairs and threw a pound of raw hamburger meat at Kerri. The paramedics were finally able to go inside and pick up Casey Kasem.

After Casey Kasem was gone, Jean Kasem told NBC News that she was following a King James verse when she threw the meat at her stepdaughter.

"In the name of King David, I threw a piece of raw meat into the street in exchange for my husband to the wild rabid dogs," she said.

Real Housewives producers must be kicking themselves—Jean was apparently rejected from the Beverly Hills cast last year.

[image via AP]