The confusion about where Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are actually getting married isn't getting any less confusing, with reports that two separate ceremony sites are being set up in two different European cities today.

The #worldsmosttalkedaboutcouple were long rumored to be getting hitched in Paris, but it recently came out that Kanye had also booked a historic fortress in Florence for the ceremony. Guests, who won't find out the plan until the day of, were reportedly going to arrive in Paris today and, after an private nighttime tour of the Palace of Versaiiles, fly to Florence for Saturday's "I dos."

But, TMZ reports, an aisle and seating are apparently being set up on the Versailles grounds today, and the site has been shut down for a "private event." And, as TMZ helpfully points out, aisle=vows! Le gasp!

Speculation is that Palace rules preclude Kimye from throwing an epic party on the grounds, so an intimate family-and-friends ceremony may go down there, with the larger ceremony and reception in Florence.

But we're talking about Kanye West, here. Why should a god only have one wedding ceremony?

[H/T TMZ, Photos: Splashnews]