Remember that dark period in history when editor Anna Wintour dared to put Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the cover of Vogue (last April)? She confesses now that she did so to get people talking about Vogue. Imagine that.

While speaking at the Met this week, Wintour explained:

I think if we just remain deeply tasteful and just put deeply tasteful people on the cover, it would be a rather boring magazine. Nobody would talk about us. It's very important that people do talk about us.

Sure, very important. And regardless of whether or not Kim and Kanye are "deeply tasteful," Wintour is still hopped up on the Kardashians. Later in the talk, she praised Estée Lauder for making Kim's sister Kendall the new face of the brand:

Going back to Estée Lauder's decision to make Kendall Jenner the face of Estée Lauder: what a fantastic decision that was. They have a wonderful brand that's very traditionally American, and they decided they want to shake it up and reach a different audience. Now and again one has to do things like that. I think it's part of the excitement and part of being a journalist. I hope another Kim Kardashian comes along this year!

Don't we all?

[Photo via Instagram]