
Ex-Stripper Suing Daily Mail for Using Her Photo on HIV+ Actress Story

Camille Dodero · 09/19/13 05:00PM

Last month, Cameron Bay, who is not the woman pictured above, became the first of three U.S.-based adult performers to test positive for HIV. Before Bay came forth publicly, the Daily Mail dashed off an August 22 article about the porn industry shutting down in response to the affected actress's results and illustrated the story with a sultry photo of the above woman, soft-core webcam entrepreneur Danni Ashe. This was a major error for a few reasons: 1) Ashe never tested positive for HIV; 2) Ashe has apparently left the modeling business (the above photo is from 2000); 3) Ashe also never did hardcore porn.

Adult Virgins Say the Darndest Things

Maureen O'Connor · 03/02/12 12:13PM

There are, in theory, emotionally stable adults who happen to be virgins and are capable discussing their virginity without humiliating themselves. Unfortunately, the humiliation-prone virgins on TLC and in the "Femail" section of The Daily Mail are constantly drowning the normal ones out.

Daily Mail Proudly Serving 100% Hack-Free Content, Says CEO

Seth Abramovitch · 07/26/11 03:16AM

It's a terrible time to be a News Corp.-owned UK tabloid, but a pretty sweet time if you happen to be the competition. Case in point: The Daily Mail & General Trust newspaper group is feasting on a schadenfreude smorgasbord over Rupe's recent troubles. CEO Martin Morgan was still picking the gristle from his teeth at a press conference today in which he touted the completely above-board means by which his journalists overturn garbage cans obtain their stories:

Jessica Alba Has Been Digitally Undressed

Maureen O'Connor · 10/19/10 04:27PM

A miracle of technology has allowed us to see Jessica Alba naked, even though she swore never to go nude in a movie: She filmed a Machete shower scene in her undies, which retouchers later peeled off, with computers.

Smiling Fetus Joins Abortion Debate

Maureen O'Connor · 10/11/10 03:06PM

The abortion debate has devolved to the zygote version of a LOLCat. A lady got an ultrasound, and her unborn child looked like it was smiling. Thus, "a baby can experience feelings such as happiness" earlier than previously thought.