After a long weekend of promoting Acura on Instagram, Alec Baldwin was reportedly downgraded from first class to economy on his flight home. He was supposedly overheard declaring that with coach as his witness, he'd never fly Delta again, but could he running out of airlines to swear off?

Via the NYDN:

Baldwin had been booked on a Delta flight out of Salt Lake City International Airport to Kennedy with his pregnant wife Hilaria, and their 16-month-old baby, Carmen. But according to a source on the flight, the family - who were weighed down with lots of Louis Vuitton luggage - switched flights last minute and ran into problems.

"He got kicked out of first class since they had changed planes," said our spy, "I guess there weren't as many first class seats (on the new plane). So he and Hilaria and the baby moved back to coach. He was pissed and was overheard saying he will never fly Delta again."

Now, tanks to this week's Delta Disappointment and that little incident with American Airlines/US Airways, it looks like Baldwin's only commercial options with first class seats are Virgin and United.

But Virgin only flies to 21 cities and United is great, but only if you don't respect yourself or your belongings.

So what's a Baldwin brother to do? He already "retired" from "public life"... seems like it's time to quit public flights too. TV stations play 30 Rock reruns every single day. Fly private, Alec Baldwin. You've earned your Gulfstream wings.

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