The hacker who obtained and released private email correspondence between President George Bush and his family and friends is on a new tear. "Guccifer," who earlier this week took over former Secretary of State Colin Powell's Facebook page, also broke into the ex-general's email account, and the email account of Clinton aide and confidant Sidney Blumenthal.

Blumenthal and Powell join the growing list of Guccifer's victims, which now includes the Bush family, Senator Lisa Murkowski, former U.N. ambassador John Negroponte, members of the Rockefeller family, and some federal agents. Many of the affected have AOL email accounts; Guccifer's pattern, according to the Smoking Gun, seems to follow the logic of certain conspiracy theories, which may help explain why members of the foreign policy establishment—rather than, you know, fun or sexy celebrities—are being targeted:

In e-mail screeds, "Guccifer" seems to subscribe to dark conspiracies involving the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and attendees of Bohemian Grove retreats. "the evil is leading this fucked up world!!!!!! i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more," the hacker declared.

Guccifer is said to have all of Blumenthal's correspondence with Hillary Clinton, and a number of personal and financial matter-related emails to and from Powell. Little of it has been publicly released, as of yet. The FBI is investigating the hacks.