Man Who Gained Internet Fame for Cop Car Rendition of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' Wears Viking Helmet to Court, Represents Himself

An Alberta man who scored instant Internet notoriety after he uploaded a video of himself belting all of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the back of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police cruiser after a DUI arrest has had his day in court.
Naturally, being the kind of person who belts all of Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" in the back of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police cruiser after a DUI arrest, Robert Wilkinson, 30, both wore a viking helmet to court, and represented himself.
Having a fool for a client, Wilkinson was summarily convicted and sentenced to pay a fine of $1,400. He also had his license suspended for a period of one year.
On his Facebook page, the "unemployed karaoke singer" appeared to be taking the verdict in stride, writing "the system works." To a friend who pointed out that he had been convicted, Wilkinson responded, "who has the right to say that? I am not convicted in my mind."
Classic Wilkinson.