There's at least one New Yorker hoping the subway system completely floods today: the New York Post reports that Katie Holmes' Chelsea subway stop has recently become host to three advertisements for the Church of Scientology.

According to the Post, one of the ads features "a hunky Cruise lookalike" searching for answers to life, under which the question "Searching for answers to life?" is printed. (Image here.)

While the posters will obviously have no effect on big stars like Suri Cruise, who wouldn't be caught riding the subway with mouth-breathing strap hangers, Katie Holmes was spotted catching the E train from the stop earlier this month. According to an eyewitness report, she may even have winked at a fellow passenger while riding the rails — just classic New York subway behavior.

In other CruiseNews™, a drunk neighbor of Tom Cruise ("an Australian interior designer-turned-TV personality" named Jason Sullivan) hopped the actor's fence Sunday night, and was immediately tasered by Cruise's security team.

[NY Post // E! Image via Getty]