The Internet has a weird way of bringing people together: Fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, Martha Raddatz and Chamillionaire.

Before the start of last night's debate, Raddatz, the moderator, urged attendees to turn off their cellular devices as is the custom. To drive home the importance of silencing one's smartphone, Raddatz recalled the time her mobile went off during a 2007 White House briefing, and, much to her horror, her son had switched her ringtone to Chamillionaire's "Ridin'."

"And I have never had my cellphone go off anywhere ever again," Raddatz concluded.

The story was crowd-pleaser for sure, but the person who most appreciated the anecdote was none other than Chamillionaire himself.

"Can't lie. That just made my night. Appreciate it," he tweeted later than night. "@MarthaRaddatz Keep it gangsta."

And, naturally, viral video manufacturers couldn't help but slap a Chamillionaire soundtrack on some of Raddatz's more "gangsta" moments from last night's spirited exchange:

[H/T: TV Newser, photo via Getty]