To nonpartisan senses, neither candidate came off looking particularly presidential during last night's first-of-three presidential debates.

But, surprisingly, neither they nor pushover moderator Jim Lehrer were last night's biggest loser.

That title goes to the Twitter account the Whirlpool-owned home appliance brand KitchenAid, whose Twitter account handler thought the middle of the debate would be the perfect time to drop a dead Obama grandma joke.

After the president mentioned that his grandmother died three days before he was elected, @KitchenAidUSA posted the following tweet: "Obamas gma even knew it was going 2 b bad! 'She died 3 days b4 he became president. #nbcpolitics"

It was immediately retweeted by dozens before it mysteriously disappeared.

In its place appeared a typical follow-up: "Deepest apologies for an irresponsible tweet that is in no way a representation of the brand's opinion."

In a separate statement to media outlets, KitchenAid's senior director of marketing Cynthia Soledad assured customers that the "member of our Twitter team" who "mistakenly posted" the "offensive tweet" meant for their personal account "won't be tweeting for us anymore."

Quipped AmericaBlog contributor Gabe Ortíz: "Obama just opened a social media job."

[image via AdWeek]