
Ted Cruz Will Debate Literally Anyone

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/02/16 02:22PM

Ted Cruz may never be president, but there is one thing the American public can’t withhold from him—a debate forum. Today, he tested his skills on a random Trump supporter, who answered each of Cruz’s arguments with a salient counterpoint: Who cares?

Watch the Republicans Yell at Each Other in Terrible Spanish

Melissa Cronin · 02/13/16 10:26PM

The dialogue during the Republican presidential debate on Saturday evening got heated. So heated, in fact, that it devolved into an entirely different language, giving everyone in the audience a fun glimpse at the Spanish skills of the candidates who want to expel many of this country’s Spanish-speaking residents.

Gaze Upon How Badly Carly Fiorina Craves Attention

Jordan Sargent · 01/14/16 07:25PM

The undercard of tonight’s GOP debate (yes, another one) began at 6 p.m. on Fox News, a time when very few people are at home engaging with their televisions. The debates are so openly pointless that Rand Paul didn’t even bother to show up to this one, choosing instead to do anything other than listen to Rick Santorum’s fossilized god warrior shtick for the hundredth time.

Ted Cruz Was the College Debate Prick's College Debate Prick

Adam Weinstein · 04/22/15 11:18AM

Imagine a drama kid—without good looks, singing or dancing ability, who wants to be president, is pretty sure your opinions suck, and thinks you’re an idiot. You just imagined a college parliamentary debater. And who do college parliamentary debaters think are irritating, pitiful jagoffs? In the 1990s, it was Ted Cruz.

Lacey Donohue · 10/30/13 05:57PM

Joe Lhota’s family spent Wednesday campaigning at the Arrochar Friendship Club in Staten Island where elderly white people complained about Bill de Blasio using the “race card.” Lhota himself did not attend because he was busy preparing for tonight’s final debate at 7 p.m. EST. Watch live here.

If There's One Thing to Remember About the VP Debate, It's That Joe Biden Laughed His Way Through It

Kate Bennert · 10/12/12 02:50AM

According to Twitter, the vice presidential debate was entirely more lively than the first presidential debate. According to Joe Biden, the vice presidential debate was very funny—nay, hilarious. The current VP chuckled almost every time Paul Ryan opened his mouth. But who can blame him when Ryan changed his mind at least three times over the course of the debate, still could not produce numbers to back up his tax plan, and basically said that his reason for wanting to outlaw abortion is that his daughter once looked like a bean? Seriously.

Paul Ryan Has Already Lost the Debate Based on These Workout Photos

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/12 09:45AM

The vice presidential debates are tonight. We expect and assume that, as in most elections, the debates—and the subsequent election—will be decided primarily upon the basis of which candidate most fully embodies the wise teachings of Gawker Media fitness columns. Well, shut it down, Biden has won, no need to show up today, might as well stay home and moisturize, "SNOWFLAKE" Ryan.