Lawyers employed by Kanye West sent out a cease and desist letter yesterday to a number of media outlets effectively confirming the existence of a sex tape featuring their client.

"Be advised that the Screen Shot, as well as the Tape from which the Screen Shot was taken, were illegally obtained and believed to have been stolen from Mr. West's computer," wrote attorney Lisa M. Buckley of Pryor Cashman in the letter, obtained by

She goes on to demand the screenshot be removed or else.

The sex tape in question, first described by RadarOnline, allegedly features a "Kim Kardashian lookalike" who claims to be 18 years old and married. has offered the tape's anonymous seller $1 million or more for its exclusive distribution rights, and Steve Hirsch of Vivid Video — the folks behind Kim K's career-launching sex tape — believes Kanye's tape could be worth "a couple of million dollars."

Meanwhile, TMZ is reporting that a second sex tape starring a different ex is also being shopped, this one even longer than the first.

"Both tapes are impressively long — the first is roughly twenty minutes ... and the second is more than FORTY," claims TMZ. "And we're talking constant action. Seriously, the guy takes no breaks. It's incredible. Almost Sting-like."

[photo via AP]