In a full page ad printed in yesterday's Washington Post, porn magnate Larry Flynt, founder of the pioneering nudie mag Hustler, promised to shell out one million dollars to anyone with verifiable information about Mitt Romney's "unreleased tax returns, and/or details of his offshore accounts and business partnerships."

The amount corresponds to the "ransom" requested by hackers who claimed last week to have obtained copies of Romney's unreleased tax documents.

The hackers have yet to produce any evidence that their claims are legitimate — a requirement of Flynt's $1 million offer.

A similar attempt last year to solicit salacious information about former GOP presidential candidate governor Rick Perry came up short, but a 2007 investigation did yield some damning proof of Louisiana senator David Vitter's predilection for prostitutes.

The ad will run again in tomorrow's USA Today.

[photo via AP]