A series of poorly thought-out tweets landed a North Carolina man behind bars after he was picked up by the Secret Service for threatening to assassinate the president.

"Ima hit president Obama with that Lee Harvey Oswald swagg," tweeted 21-year-old Donte Jamar Sims on Monday, one day before the Democratic National Convention was set to open near his home in Charlotte.

He followed up that status update with an even more explicit threat. "Well Ima Assassinate president Obama this evening !...Gotta get this monkey off my chest while he's in town -_-" Sims said, adding that the "Secret Service is gonna be defenseless" when he carries out the deed with an assault rifle aimed "at Barack's Forehead."

He signed the tweet "F* the #DNC."

The Secret Service became wise to Sims' messages yesterday and paid him a visit to ask a few questions. According to Secret Service Agent Wayne Bourg, Jr., Sims was smiling as he read the tweet out loud.

Later, however, at a police station, he grew penitent, and wrote an apology letter asserting "he was sorry he sent the messages threatening to kill the President of the United States."

The self-described #1 Lupe Fiasco fan claimed he was high at the time and "understood what he was doing and that it was wrong." And though he did express a hatred for the president, that feeling did not carry over to the First Lady, whom he described as "sexy as Hell" in a separate tweet.

Sims remains behind bars tonight. He has a federal detention hearing set for next week.

[tweet via @DestroyLeague_D]