Update your Twitter address books accordingly — Demi Moore has changed her Twitter handle from @mrskutcher (a reference to soon-to-be-ex husband Ashton Kutcher) to @justdemi. It's not exactly the most exciting development, but for Moore fans horrified by her insistence on keeping an Ashton-related handle, this is the dawn of an important new era.

On Thursday, Moore tweeted using her new name—

So hard finding a name that was fun somewhat playful and available. So for now it will be @justdemi It could grow on me!

Does that mean she's not satisfied with the name yet?

Moore had solicited help from her fans and Twitter followers, though it's hard to imagine "@justdemi" is the best they could come up with. Personally, I was gunning for @rumersmom.

For those terrified of change, rest assured, Moore will keep her avatar, a snapshot of young Demi with adorkable glasses. When Twitter user @robtee1206 tweeted, "now breakdown and change your status pic. lol," Moore responded, "no the pic stays good reminder of me just demi."

Could this Twitter handle change signify a full-on branding change for the actor? Her next major film, the Miley Cyrus vehicle LOL, could have Moore credited as "Just Demi." No, not really — but only because Demi Lovato fans would likely stage some kind of protest.

[Image via WENN.com]