
Trump Surrogate Says Wall Will Be Virtual

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/19/16 07:27AM

One of Donald Trump’s surrogates this week gave a new reason for why the candidate seems so confident he can get Mexico to pay for a wall: There isn’t really going to be a wall.

Jon Stewart Still Alive, Apparently Aware Donald Trump Is the Republican Nominee

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/06/16 11:00AM

Jon Stewart isn’t dead but he might as well be—the man hasn’t appeared on television in months, leaving the once-robust television-blog ecosystem shriveled and weak in the hands of that guy who replaced him (if he’s even still on the air.) But rejoice! This week Stewart popped up at the United Service Organization 75th anniversary event at the Joint Base Andrews in Maryland to introduce Joe Biden, and if you can even believe it—he made a joke about Donald Trump.

Pro Football Shill Lanny Davis Lies About Shilling for Pro Football

Tom Scocca · 01/15/15 09:35PM

Antibiotic-resistant flesh-eating infection Lanny Davis published a column in the Hill yesterday deploring the media's terrible rush to judgment against NFL commissioner Roger Goodell. Because the NFL's self-commissioned investigation into the Ray Rice scandal failed to find evidence that the league had done wrong, Davis wrote, all the various outlets that had reported on the other evidence of the league's wrongdoing owed Goodell an apology.

Millennial Basketball Player Thinks His Mediocrity Should Impress You

Tom Scocca · 10/02/14 10:05AM

Generational stereotypes are grotesquely dumb and unfair, which makes it entertaining when someone genuinely lives up to one. Obviously people in their 20s are not the complacent, self-esteem-bloated solipsists that the popular culture supposes them to be.

Harry Reid Makes Fun of Asians at Asian Chamber of Commerce Meeting

Allie Jones · 08/22/14 12:10PM

At a meeting of the Las Vegas Asian Chamber of Commerce yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid thought he'd try out a couple of jokes. About Asians. "I don't think you're smarter than anybody else, but you've convinced a lot of us you are," he said at the end of his speech. The audience laughed politely.