Subject line of a press release that made me freak out just now: "MEGHAN McCAIN IN PLAYBOY'S APRIL ISSUE."

Turns out Meghan posed, fully clothed, for Playboy's 20 Questions feature. America's blondest beer heiress reveals that she "almost overdosed on Xanax" the day before the 2008 election because "I had gained a lot of weight" and "Obamamania was at its height." Also, she is "strictly dickly":

PLAYBOY: Say a little more about the hanging-out-in-bed-with-girlfriends part.

MCCAIN: Watch it, mister. My friends from home came over to support me, and we got in my parents' big bed. They have this huge California king and we just stayed up eating ice cream. I'm not a lesbian, if that's what you're asking. I'd be the first person to tell the world I was gay. I'm not private about anything. I think you should live how you should live. But I'm strictly dickly. I can't help it. I love sex and I love men.

Any other sexxxy revelations, Meghan?

I've been considering getting his quote "Buy the ticket, take the ride" tattooed on my body, but I haven't decided. I told my friend, and she said it sounds really sexual, so we'll see.

This has been your sexxxy political kid update of the day. Check back tomorrow for Tagg Romney in a whipped cream bikini.

Sidenote: Playboy's online edition totally edited Meghan's satin sheets picture to look like her butt would be showing in the magazine, right? Not that I'm above bait-and-switches. (See headline.) Just sayin'.

[Playboy, image provided by Playboy]