Horses Will Not Stop Dying on the Set of HBO’s Luck

HBO's racing drama "Luck" is proving more dangerous than a glue factory for horses.
The Associated Press reports that the company announced plans to suspend filming with horses after a third one died in connection with the series.
According to a statement released by HBO, the horse reared and fell back, injuring its head, as it was being led to a racetrack stable. An on-site veterinarian subsequently determined that euthanasia was appropriate.
Two other horses were hurt and later euthanized while filming racing scenes for season one of "Luck," which stars Dustin Hoffman and which my friends tell me "sounds good," though neither they nor I have actually seen it. The show is currently filming its second season.
Loath to pass up an opportunity to beat a dead horse, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Vice President Kathy Guillermo released a statement condemning HBO:
"Three horses have now died and all the evidence we have gathered points to sloppy oversight, the use of unfit, injured horses, and disregard for the treatment of thoroughbreds."
An American Humane Association safety representative who was at the track when the incident occurred stated that "all safety precautions were in place."
The Association has, nonetheless, insisted that the stoppage remain in effect "pending a complete, thorough, and comprehensive investigation."
A sad day for Bronies.
[Image via Getty]