Kate Middleton Wins Dubious Hat-Based Award

The Headwear Association has selected Kate Middleton as the Hat Person of the Year. Because apparently being a duchess wasn't a big enough honor. In THA's defense, Middleton was actually selected via an online poll. Also, I'm not sure how fashionable this organization is. They claim to have been founded in 1908, which looks to be around the same time they designed their blog.
I kid, Headwear Association. Please don't put me on 2012's Worst Hatted list. And Kate Middleton clearly deserved this award: she earned 91 percent of the vote next to Rachel Zoe, who earned an embarrassing 4 percent. Also, have you seen Kate's hats? THA's blog post includes lots of great examples — alongside the obligatory "hats off to you Kate" pun. I'll admit, I dig the details included in the captions.
Kate truly looks regal in this blue outfit she wore to the Duke of Edinburgh's 90th Birthday at Windsor Castle's St George's Chapel last June. The hat she wore was another designed by Jane Corbett, who was trained by Rose Cory, the Queen Mother's milliner.
Who knew headwear had such a rich history? While THA has been around for over a century, the Hat Person of the Year award is only in its third year. And lest you think the gender neutrality is mere political correctness, the last two winners were Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt.
That's right, Kate Middleton is breaking new ground for female hat persons everywhere.
[Image via AP]