AG Holder Targeted in Investigation of Failed Gun-Tracking Operation

Fans of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his Mustache of Justice might want to send him some "Good Luck With Your Subpoena" greeting cards: Earlier today Rep. Darrell Issa told Fox News Sunday that he's curious about what Holder knew regarding the Failed Fast and Furious gun trafficking sting, when Holder knew it, and who authorized the sting in the first place.
Wherever corruption goes, Top Dawg Detective Issa (R-California) will find it! That is his duty, as House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman. Serving as chair isn't just a job, but a calling. And now Issa's calling u, Mr. Holder, and u 2, other top Justice officials. Issa believes Holder knew details about F&F (in which ATF agents lost track of about 1,400 guns they sold to Mexican cartels as part of a failed sting) earlier than he's claimed.
The subpoenas might go out this week, if Issa doesn't get too bogged down sorting through Obama staffers' Facebook status messages.