Inept ATF Uses Children and People With Low IQs In Sting Operations
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/08/13 08:59PMYet Another Gun From ATF's Fast And Furious Op Used To Murder Someone
Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/07/13 12:29PMAG Holder Targeted in Investigation of Failed Gun-Tracking Operation
Lauri Apple · 10/09/11 04:35PM
Fans of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his Mustache of Justice might want to send him some "Good Luck With Your Subpoena" greeting cards: Earlier today Rep. Darrell Issa told Fox News Sunday that he's curious about what Holder knew regarding the Failed Fast and Furious gun trafficking sting, when Holder knew it, and who authorized the sting in the first place.
ATF Director Removed After Botched Gun-Tracking Operation
Jim Newell · 08/30/11 03:03PM
The Obama administration picked a quiet late-summer day to finally remove acting ATF director Kenneth Melson over the botched "Fast and Furious" operation that ultimately put assault rifles into the hands of criminals along the border. Melson wasn't fired though — merely relocated to a new Justice Department job. This is a great "win" for the NRA!
Sell Guns to Drug Cartels, Get a Promotion
Jeff Neumann · 08/16/11 05:49AM
Hypothetical scenario: At your current job, you were once in charge of clandestinely selling 2,000 firearms to Mexican drug cartels in the hopes of bringing down a big time leader, but instead those guns were later connected to multiple homicides (including a U.S. Border Patrol agent). Now, after investigations and apologies and so on, would you expect to get shit-canned and possibly charged with crimes, or would you expect to be promoted to a managerial position? If you work for the ATF, you'd get the latter!