
Here Are the Best Famous People From Your Yearbooks

Leah Finnegan · 12/31/14 12:30PM

Wow! It is amazing how many Gawker readers went to middle and high school and have the yearbook photos to prove it. Thank you for sharing your celebrity yearbook photos with us, except for those of you who just posted the Wikipedia lists of famous people who went to your high school. That was really lame.

Justice Department to Launch Civil Rights Investigation of Ferguson PD

Aleksander Chan · 09/04/14 07:13AM

Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to launch a broad civil rights investigation into the Ferguson, Mo. police department this week, the Washington Post reports. The probe is expected to determine "whether the department employed policies and practices that resulted in a pattern of civil rights violations," and stems from the killing of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by white Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.

Taylor Berman · 02/27/14 11:48AM

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was taken to a D.C. hospital this morning after experiencing chest pains and shortness of breath. He was discharged this afternoon, and is now resting at home.

Adam Weinstein · 02/10/14 03:09PM

Eric Holder "told me that he will leave office sometime this year," Jeffrey Toobin writes in the latest issue of The New Yorker. Holder, the first African-American attorney general in U.S. history and a favorite punching-bag of conservatives, has long been rumored to be on his way out at the Justice Department.

Same-Sex Couples Are People, Justice Department Announces

Luke O'Neil · 02/08/14 04:10PM

Attorney General Eric Holder is expected to announce on Monday that he will instruct the Justice Department to extend full and equal protection to same-sex marriages in all of the programs it oversees. Among the considerations granted in the policy memo are that same-sex couples cannot be compelled to testify against one another in court, that they can apply jointly for federal bankruptcy, and that federal inmates can avail themselves of the same allowances as other married couples such as in visitation rights. Also it's mandatory that people stop bitching about Looking now.

Eric Holder Calls Drug-War Sentencing "Ineffective and Unsustainable"

Cord Jefferson · 08/12/13 04:36PM

In a speech before the American Bar Association in San Francisco today, Attorney General Eric Holder advocated for sweeping changes in both how nonviolent drug offenders are sentenced in the United States and how we use our prisons. It only took decades and countless taxpayer dollars, but someone with some power is finally admitting that maybe we're going about the drug war all wrong.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/26/13 09:59AM

U.S. attorney general Eric Holder has promised Russia that the U.S. will not seek the death penalty for NSA leaker Edward Snowden. So, uh, send him on over.

White-Haired Obama Has "Complete Confidence" In Eric Holder

Ken Layne · 05/16/13 12:31PM

Barack Obama and a visiting foreigner just had a press conference, but nobody cares about the other country (Turkey?) because there are scandals afoot in Washington, so everything's about Eric Holder always doing terrible things. Eric Holder is Obama's friend. So he won't be fired unless all of this doesn't go away in the next couple of news cycles.

The GOP Is Unbelievably Full of Shit on Executive Privilege

John Cook · 06/22/12 02:35PM

The Fox News wing of the Republican Party (which is to say, the Republican Party), has concluded that Barack Obama is a 21st Century Richard Nixon because he conjured a dreaded, wicked trick called executive privilege to cover up his manifest crimes. Hey, only Republicans are allowed to do that!