[There was a video here]

If you didn't stop believin' the abduction-cum-affair of Michaele Salahi could get weirder—and make those involved appear more publicity-hungry—there's now this video from TMZ of Tareq Salahi and Michael Lohan leaving a Washington, DC restaurant together last night.

When asked about learning yesterday that Michaele had gone her separate way after all these years to be with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, Tareq said, "I've been betrayed"—a natural thing to feel when you love a woman—before adding Schon was a "dear friend" pre-wife banging.

After the fall, Tareq said he was comforted by Lohan, who thankfully got to him before it was too late. "This is the real deal," he said of Lohan. As for Michaele and Schon, still they ride on the Dixie Highway, we assume. [TMZ]