In your even-keeled Wednesday media column: masthead changes at the NYT, women vs. men in journalism, the WSJ loves video, Shep Smith's pad is for sale, and News Corp paper analyzes James Murdoch's future.

  • Do women have different taste in news than men? Jill Abramson says no. An assortment of random women in journalism say yes. I say "my opinion is worthless." What say you, ladies? "I'm fluent in three sections—Style, Style, and Style."
  • Oooo, new NYT editor Jill Abramson has yanked two Times editors—Gerald Marzorati and Susan Edgerley—off the paper's masthead. Marzorati, who was the NYT mag editor before leaving that post because everyone was pretty unhappy with his work, is somewhat unsurprising, I guess. And gee, it sure sounds like they have both been given extremely superfluous-sounding new positions! Not fun for them, I bet.
  • Did you know that the WSJ is essentially running its own little TV network now, for subscribers? You would, if you could afford to subscribe to the WSJ. Don't you worry your pretty little head about it though.
  • Fox Newsperson Shepard Smith is selling his Manhattan apartment for $4 million. More than double what he paid for it! But if you buy it you can always say, "I poop where Shep Smith once did." So.
  • While I know it's oversimplistic to ascribe sinister motives to the journalists at the WSJ (some of the best in the country!) simply because they're controlled by News Corp, I just have to chuckle at the thought of taking a WSJ analysis of the future of James Murdoch completely seriously.

[Photo: Getty]