Like the butterflies returning to Mexico before they die, so are the models, editors, and other fabulous hangers on flocking to Lincoln Center and its environs for the start of Fashion Week. What did you miss if you didn't make it to the tents today? Let's have a look.

Here is a very Betty Draper-esque broad starting off the finale at Luca Luca (which doesn't, actually, live on the second floor).

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A model submits her hair to various and assorted tortures backstage at Luca Luca.

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Michael Kors, better known as the Queen of all Tangerines, had something bitchy to say about the contestants' clothes at the Project Runway fashion show.

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Jason Wu had his models work through the world's sexiest construction site.

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The General Idea fashion show was ironically sponsored by 5 Hour Energy.

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How long do you think Terry Richardson can keep his hands to himself around Jessica Stam?

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Fashion insiders played chess with life-sized couture pieces at some W Hotels something or other.

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They're feeding everyone at the tents fiber this year. Great, now all the food is going to come flying out of the opposite end in the women's room for a change.

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Doesn't this picture look delightfully like a retro Vogue?

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Are these ladies really seven feet tall or is that some sort of radical camera trick?

[Image via Getty]